
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

martedì, maggio 31, 2005

Flower Foibles 

Man alive, I need a car. Riding your bike against 30 km/hr winds just blows. (Ha, ha.) I nearly rode off the road like 3 times because of all the freakin' wind. So not cool. Also I have learned that my bike does not fit properly in my mom's car. Good to know.
Work was pretty cool today. Celeste and I had time to chat it up which was nice. But some of the customers were being retarded again today. People should really learn to read the signs better. This one woman had picked out these tomato plants without realizing how much they cost, which is understandable I guess, but then she took like 10 minutes to decide whether or not she wanted them. And then when she decided she didn't she just stood there holding her credit card while I gave her her subtotal about 3 times before she got the hint. I actually need your card to finish the transaction, woman. Meanwhile, people were lining up behind her impatiently and I had to remember to keep my cool because after all, she is a paying customer. Even if she is a horrible one.
But after that things went pretty good. We were all kind of giddy by the end of the night and our counting skills were pretty much non-existant. We had a good laugh when the til was out by like 20$.
Well now it's past my bedtime so I shall be moseying along. I would just like to remark that just about everybody besides me is due for a good blog update. Come on, you guys. Talk about dropping the ball. Slackers!

domenica, maggio 29, 2005

That's Just Great 

Sigh. What a fabulous weekend. My main man Adam took me out to dinner or Saturday night to a Japanese place and I had sushi and calamari and some sort of fish-egg-thing for the first time. It was very adventurous of me. I enjoyed most of it but oh, for the love of God, stay away from wasabi. After that we watched movies and random late-night tv at my place. Definitely good times.
Today he took me rollerblading which I haven't done in about 98 billion years. And I didn't fall down once! Tho that's likely due partially to the fact that he was holding my hand the whole time....
After that came smoothies, then a movie and poker with Adam and the rest of the guys. Definitely more good times. He's such a sweetie.
But then the moment I walked in the door my mom actually started crying because apparently I lost track of the time and my cell phone was turned way down low so I couldn't hear it ring and my parents are frighteningly overprotective since last September. My mom even called his parents to find out where we were. I really didn't think they'd take it like that. Is that not unnuatural? Now Adam's gonna think my parents are psycho paranoids. That's just great.

venerdì, maggio 27, 2005

Hilarity Ensued 

Last two days at work have been highly amusing. Nancy, who I've been working with for approximately 2 weeks now, has apparently been refering to me as "Jodi" for said time frame. Which eventually evolved into "Jori," because the schedule is illegible. We shared some laughs over that. Also, my name tag still reads "Lorie," which I find highly amusing, even if it means no one really knows how to spell my name. But last night Celeste and I figured that wasn't enough name confusion for me. Oh, no. So we switched name tags and laughed about that for about 90 hours straight. Theresa thinks we're freaks now but Donna had to laugh with us. Or maybe at us. Either way is good, really.
So after that Celeste said she could give me a ride home, but this entailed us fitting my enormous bike inside her tiny, tiny car. Hilarity ensued. Dave had to come and strap down the trunk with a bungee cord. Maybe next time I'll just ride home and save everyone the trouble. Still, it was pretty funny with me holding on to the bike tire the whole way home so it wouldn't slip out the back. Oh, the laughs that we shared.
Then I got home and had a mighty intruiging conversation on MSN. More rendezvous are now scheduled. Oh life is good.

mercoledì, maggio 25, 2005

"Just Take 2 Till Receipts to the Info Booth..." 

Where to begin? Much has happened, as usual for the past few days. Work was pretty awesome. It was just busy enough to not be a mad stress fest but to still make the time pass quickly. At one point Donna sent Celeste and me to go find plants that were in the wrong place and put them in the right place. Only neither of us really know where anything goes yet. So mostly we just took a shopping cart around the store and laughed at just about everything. It was fabby. Until Anna came along and sent me off to do some real work.
Had to ride my bike which was annoying because the wind was not cooperating to say the least. As it appears to be doing this morning. Grumbles.
But last night was the really awesome part. Number three, you guys! I am so not going to be able to concentrate at all today.

lunedì, maggio 23, 2005


Crickeys. The past week or so has just been nonstop. It was awesome. I worked Tuesday to Saturday as usual, and it got pretty freakin' busy by the end of that. Thursday I saw Star Wars with my hommies and it was definitely better than the last 2 Star Wars movies. The dialogue coulda used some work, tho. George Lucas should learn how people really talk in the real world. But other than that it was good. Go see it.
Friday was not the greatest day at work. I was supposed to be off at 8 but of course that's when 9 billion people decided they needed to pay for all their cartloads of plants. So around 8:20 I turned to Landon and I was all, "Ummm, I was supposed to be off at 8," and he was all, "Ummm, can you stay til 9?" And I was all, "NO!" Except not quite so mean-sounding. So ANYWAY, I got off around 8:30 and then John picked me up from my house and we all went to someone's house to hang out for a while. Which I definitely needed.
Saturday was surprisingly fun. Despite the lack of sleep. My day started off at 8 with Landon telling me, "You look about how I feel." Which about summed things up, really. But even tho I was there 10 hours again, it went by so fast it felt more like 5. By the end Celeste and I were cracking so many jokes we were slightly incoherent. We were also swapping some intruiging inter-office romance stories with another coworker that are highly confidential. You didn't hear anything from me.
Saturday night was frisbee, soccer, and foxtail with the guys. It felt so good to actually get outside and enjoy the nice weather for once. And I have learned that I suck at both frisbee and soccer. Lol.
Sunday was my first day off. Yay! Church and then picnic with Bevin, Jessica, and her sister Elise. So much awesome. I really, really love you guys. Our cheese all melted and Jessica wanted to go into the men's room. I lost at Twister and Elise won at slang teasers. Bev chased the geese.
Last night became more hanging out with the guys, complete with frisbee after dark. Very dangerous, really. Then some scandalous rendezvous. Long story short I got home at 3:30. Hahahahaha.
Today was meant to be rollerblading but the sky has other plans I think. Maybe more rendezvous anyway. Life feels good again.

giovedì, maggio 19, 2005

"You're Head Cashier, My Dear!" 

Last night equalled madness. So busy! Why do so many people need plants? Why? Our growing season sucks anyway. But that's not the point. The point is that they made poor Celeste work for 13 hours. And THEN...they made me head cashier for the night, in charge of 2 newbies newer than me. Oh. Man. We basically ran out of small boxes and I felt bad cuz I told Bonnie to make more while Celeste and I cashed out. And we had to sweep like EVERYWHERE because for some inaliable reason Lorraine Mansbridge is coming in this morning. Weird.
But we actually managed to get out at a resonable hour, and we were still laughing in the end. If we screwed up it's they're fault for putting newbies in charge. We are understaffed, yo.
Also, why do people feel the need to call us at the busiest time with the stupidest questions? I answered the phone and one woman actually said, "Uhhhhh....shrubs!" to me. What am I supposed to do with that? And another decided to ramble on about her geraniums twice in an incredibly long-winded manner whilst impatient customers stood by. I wanted to hang up on her. Grrrrrr.
But I'm not bitter. I do love my job. Ish. And anyway, tonight I get to chill out after work at the opening night of Star Wars with the guys!!! I feel like a huge nerd, but a huge nerd that gets to finally relax.

martedì, maggio 17, 2005

"Here's a Potato Bulb" 

Pretty much madness lately. Had Sun and Mon off. Scrapbooked it up and read some awesome books. Played badminton and beat a guy at singles 15-7 (woman power!).
Today was 10 1/2 hours of plants again. Was only supposed to be 9 but we were busier than expected for a rainy day and understaffed. The roof leaked and it was like a waterfall indoors.
First few hours were unpleasant due to busy-ness and minor starvation but last few hours were complete with some delirium. Celeste is clearly an awesome person to work with, and we both get a little trippy after a long shift. Hahahahah.
Colleen and the rest of the greenhouse folk classify potatoes as bulbs. What is this world coming to?
Having a Michael's store in Sherwood Park is bad for my bank account.
Hot showers are the bomb. And so is sleep. Dig ya latas, my hot, hot friends.

sabato, maggio 14, 2005

Newbies and Sore Feet 

Hi folks! Whew! What a week it's been! I worked the past 5 days and it's starting to get mighty busy down at the ol' greenhouse. The planting season is upon us! We have like 6 new cashiers and I'm no longer the newest newbie. Everyone's been awesome and telling me that I'm doing a good job, which is a fabulous change from my last jobs ("Work faster! Blah!"). I feel kind of weird telling the newbies how to do stuff tho, cuz there's still so much I don't know and I'm afraid I'll tell them something completely wrong.
Today at work was madness. Madness, I tell you! Jessica Newbie, who started yesterday, quit in the middle of her shift today. What joy. We also had 2 other people working at the till who have had like one other shift. They're doing pretty good considering, but man alive, there are a lot of gardeners in Sherwood Park. It was nonstop for like 2 hours at one point. Then Mama came in and brought me an ice cap from Tim Horton's. So she's officially awesome.
Think I'm getting the hang of things. Ten hour shifts still suck tho, even if I am working with several hotties. And even if one happens to be the ripe old age of 14.

mercoledì, maggio 11, 2005

The Coolest of the Cool 

Whew! Three shifts and I'm still alive, y'all. I think I'm getting used to standing for long periods of time because yesterday my feet didn't hurt so much. Huzzah! Not much to report today, really, except that later I will work from one to nine, and I may be able to bum a ride off my brother, even tho he will already be at work by one. Because we all know he doesn't actually work at work.
But the major news comes from way down in Hickville, aka Calgary. The Colleener has taken a position at a greenhouse!!!! So now people who work at greenhouses are officially the Coolest of the Cool.

domenica, maggio 08, 2005

A Quickie 

Ok so working at the greenhouse is cool. Everyone is friendly, from my coworkers to the mice in the breakroom. Standing all day is tiring but I think I'll manage it. 10 1/2 hour shifts, however, will take some getting used to. And we should really lock the doors after closing. Grrrr.
Next week is supposed to get real busy cuz May 1st weekend the whole world feels it needs to plant things. Hopefully soon I'll be able to tell annuals from perenials. But at least I was able to fix a problem with the transaction...machine...thing yesterday. So I'm half pro! But not really.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is sufficiently bizarre and cool.
Go out an hug a cashier today.

giovedì, maggio 05, 2005

If You Comment I'll Love You Forever 

Hurrah! You guys are commenting again. I had given you up for lost. It's about time you realized that more comments = more posts. But ANYWAY.
So yes, I am indeed working full-time (ulp!) at the greenhouse this summer. Officially I am a cashier, but I get to wear a green shirt and I don't have to stand thigh-deep in meat all day! Bonus. For some reason the lady who hired me is all pro-Lori, which works out fine for me. It may have something to do with the fact that she knows my mom.
Some difficulties have arisen, however, as now everyone in my family is working this summer and I am suddenly without trasportation. So I may be gettin' lots of exercise over the next few months riding my bike to worrk. Ee gads.
Aaaaaannnndd now I shall answer your question Bev: I got a B+ in English!!!! Miraculous! But even more awesome than that is my A in EAS. Yes, you read that right, a shiny A just for me!!!! Arts is clearly where I belong my friends. And that is the status report for the day. Cheers!

martedì, maggio 03, 2005

Four Exclamaition Marks 

Hey you guys!!!! I finally got some marks in and I offically don't suck at classics and history!!!! B+ in both!!!! Four exclamaition marks!!!!
Umm yeah. So in other news I went to Students For Hire today and got me some sweet deals on job listings that weren't in the local paper. So the local paper is now deemed unworthy. I dropped off 3 more resumes today and I got a call back tonight for an interview at Salisbury Greenhouse!!!! I like it there because of its earthy goodness. And it's just for the summer so how perfect is that? Pretty darn perfect, I'd say.
That's about all I've got for you folk who still read this, except I'd like to say I'm very disappointed at the amount of lolly blogging that's been going on lately. It's summer break, you guys. You can't be that busy. And if you really are, then hook me up because it's one week in and I'm already bored out of my mind.

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