
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

giovedì, maggio 19, 2005

"You're Head Cashier, My Dear!" 

Last night equalled madness. So busy! Why do so many people need plants? Why? Our growing season sucks anyway. But that's not the point. The point is that they made poor Celeste work for 13 hours. And THEN...they made me head cashier for the night, in charge of 2 newbies newer than me. Oh. Man. We basically ran out of small boxes and I felt bad cuz I told Bonnie to make more while Celeste and I cashed out. And we had to sweep like EVERYWHERE because for some inaliable reason Lorraine Mansbridge is coming in this morning. Weird.
But we actually managed to get out at a resonable hour, and we were still laughing in the end. If we screwed up it's they're fault for putting newbies in charge. We are understaffed, yo.
Also, why do people feel the need to call us at the busiest time with the stupidest questions? I answered the phone and one woman actually said, "Uhhhhh....shrubs!" to me. What am I supposed to do with that? And another decided to ramble on about her geraniums twice in an incredibly long-winded manner whilst impatient customers stood by. I wanted to hang up on her. Grrrrrr.
But I'm not bitter. I do love my job. Ish. And anyway, tonight I get to chill out after work at the opening night of Star Wars with the guys!!! I feel like a huge nerd, but a huge nerd that gets to finally relax.
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