
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

domenica, maggio 29, 2005

That's Just Great 

Sigh. What a fabulous weekend. My main man Adam took me out to dinner or Saturday night to a Japanese place and I had sushi and calamari and some sort of fish-egg-thing for the first time. It was very adventurous of me. I enjoyed most of it but oh, for the love of God, stay away from wasabi. After that we watched movies and random late-night tv at my place. Definitely good times.
Today he took me rollerblading which I haven't done in about 98 billion years. And I didn't fall down once! Tho that's likely due partially to the fact that he was holding my hand the whole time....
After that came smoothies, then a movie and poker with Adam and the rest of the guys. Definitely more good times. He's such a sweetie.
But then the moment I walked in the door my mom actually started crying because apparently I lost track of the time and my cell phone was turned way down low so I couldn't hear it ring and my parents are frighteningly overprotective since last September. My mom even called his parents to find out where we were. I really didn't think they'd take it like that. Is that not unnuatural? Now Adam's gonna think my parents are psycho paranoids. That's just great.
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