
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

lunedì, maggio 23, 2005


Crickeys. The past week or so has just been nonstop. It was awesome. I worked Tuesday to Saturday as usual, and it got pretty freakin' busy by the end of that. Thursday I saw Star Wars with my hommies and it was definitely better than the last 2 Star Wars movies. The dialogue coulda used some work, tho. George Lucas should learn how people really talk in the real world. But other than that it was good. Go see it.
Friday was not the greatest day at work. I was supposed to be off at 8 but of course that's when 9 billion people decided they needed to pay for all their cartloads of plants. So around 8:20 I turned to Landon and I was all, "Ummm, I was supposed to be off at 8," and he was all, "Ummm, can you stay til 9?" And I was all, "NO!" Except not quite so mean-sounding. So ANYWAY, I got off around 8:30 and then John picked me up from my house and we all went to someone's house to hang out for a while. Which I definitely needed.
Saturday was surprisingly fun. Despite the lack of sleep. My day started off at 8 with Landon telling me, "You look about how I feel." Which about summed things up, really. But even tho I was there 10 hours again, it went by so fast it felt more like 5. By the end Celeste and I were cracking so many jokes we were slightly incoherent. We were also swapping some intruiging inter-office romance stories with another coworker that are highly confidential. You didn't hear anything from me.
Saturday night was frisbee, soccer, and foxtail with the guys. It felt so good to actually get outside and enjoy the nice weather for once. And I have learned that I suck at both frisbee and soccer. Lol.
Sunday was my first day off. Yay! Church and then picnic with Bevin, Jessica, and her sister Elise. So much awesome. I really, really love you guys. Our cheese all melted and Jessica wanted to go into the men's room. I lost at Twister and Elise won at slang teasers. Bev chased the geese.
Last night became more hanging out with the guys, complete with frisbee after dark. Very dangerous, really. Then some scandalous rendezvous. Long story short I got home at 3:30. Hahahahaha.
Today was meant to be rollerblading but the sky has other plans I think. Maybe more rendezvous anyway. Life feels good again.
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