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Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?
venerdì, dicembre 24, 2004
The Exciting Adventures of My Week
Ok, I'm feeling a little like Bev might send me evil voodoo thoughts via telepathy if I don't post soon, so now I am. Here are the past few days at a glance (and all the cool stuff you folk down south have missed out on):
Bev and Colleen came over for a visit some days ago (ok, i guess they didn't miss this part) and it was good times. We really should try that game in a large-scale setting sometime. Great fun. Then the Annual Christmas Sleepover of Joy, which entailled Pin the Nose on Rudolph (and stumbling around drunkenly-v. exciting), Christmas movies, and the usual joy of it all.
Becca's Party de Sugarplums was also good times. I wish I'd known aboutthe tobogganing beforehand, tho. But still, Taboo is an awesome game, and Zoolander is an awesome movie. And the grade 12 IB keaners this year are so innocent and naive it's hilarious and sad at the same time. Were we ever like that? Not me, I hope. Anyway, thanks for the free alcohol and plum action.
The next night was Ocean's 12 with Tas. Apparently, nobody checks their email but us. But it was still great fun, and Tas gave me my birthday/Christmas present. She always gived the coolest gifts. Hats off to you, Tas.
Yesterday Dad took me out to play squash with him. Let me illuminate the situation: I am not a good squash player. In fact, that was the second time I've ever played that game. But it was fun and I actually got out of the house, so it was definitely worthwhile. After that pa and I shopped for stocking stuffers for Mam. I have to admit, stocking stuffers are one of the best parts about Christmas. THey are so small! Anyway, last night was supposed to be dinner with Tas and Jeff at East Side Mario's, but Jeff had a brain laps so again it was the The Taser and me. It was also fun, and they have awesome pasta, even if it is kinda exspensive. Oh, and Mike Sue was there with his kin. That was funny.
Today I got my mark for organic: Out of 160 on the final, I got an impressive 62.5. Yes, that works out to 39%. But, God bless the bell curve, I ended up with a B-. A B-!!!! I haven't checked for sure yet, but I think that means 2.7, which is the exact mark I need to get into the arts faculty. WOOT!
So those are the exciting adventures of my week. Today I plan on doing the enormous crossword puzzle in the paper, going to the Christmas eve service, watching It's a Wonderful Life with Mam, and going to bed early. Life is good.
Hope that wa slong enough for you, Bevery!
Bev and Colleen came over for a visit some days ago (ok, i guess they didn't miss this part) and it was good times. We really should try that game in a large-scale setting sometime. Great fun. Then the Annual Christmas Sleepover of Joy, which entailled Pin the Nose on Rudolph (and stumbling around drunkenly-v. exciting), Christmas movies, and the usual joy of it all.
Becca's Party de Sugarplums was also good times. I wish I'd known aboutthe tobogganing beforehand, tho. But still, Taboo is an awesome game, and Zoolander is an awesome movie. And the grade 12 IB keaners this year are so innocent and naive it's hilarious and sad at the same time. Were we ever like that? Not me, I hope. Anyway, thanks for the free alcohol and plum action.
The next night was Ocean's 12 with Tas. Apparently, nobody checks their email but us. But it was still great fun, and Tas gave me my birthday/Christmas present. She always gived the coolest gifts. Hats off to you, Tas.
Yesterday Dad took me out to play squash with him. Let me illuminate the situation: I am not a good squash player. In fact, that was the second time I've ever played that game. But it was fun and I actually got out of the house, so it was definitely worthwhile. After that pa and I shopped for stocking stuffers for Mam. I have to admit, stocking stuffers are one of the best parts about Christmas. THey are so small! Anyway, last night was supposed to be dinner with Tas and Jeff at East Side Mario's, but Jeff had a brain laps so again it was the The Taser and me. It was also fun, and they have awesome pasta, even if it is kinda exspensive. Oh, and Mike Sue was there with his kin. That was funny.
Today I got my mark for organic: Out of 160 on the final, I got an impressive 62.5. Yes, that works out to 39%. But, God bless the bell curve, I ended up with a B-. A B-!!!! I haven't checked for sure yet, but I think that means 2.7, which is the exact mark I need to get into the arts faculty. WOOT!
So those are the exciting adventures of my week. Today I plan on doing the enormous crossword puzzle in the paper, going to the Christmas eve service, watching It's a Wonderful Life with Mam, and going to bed early. Life is good.
Hope that wa slong enough for you, Bevery!
giovedì, dicembre 16, 2004
The Sweet Taste of Liberation
YEAH BABY!!!!!! The sciences are now finished. Completely and permanently. Physics and organic went pretty horribly, and I don't think I could have done much worse unless I slept in a failed to show up entirely. But that's ok. I really don't mind so much. Inorganic actually went surprisingly well, despite the fact that Becca and I were almost late due to a location-related mishap. There are altogether far too many gyms on the university premise.
I feels so awesome to be smiling after the dark days of last night, whence I despair'd at the thought of how little I knew for these exams. Today is suddenly fabulous. I love Bev and her many-postered room (haha, I spelled that foom at first.) I love Becca and her enthusiasm despite her severe lack of a decent amount of sleep. I love Thursday night tv. I love Friday morning and sleeping in. I love Colleen who commeth earlier that anticipated. I love Bridget Jones. AAAAAIIIIIIII! I'm going to go dance a jig now and sing loudly to my favourite songs. Love you all!
I feels so awesome to be smiling after the dark days of last night, whence I despair'd at the thought of how little I knew for these exams. Today is suddenly fabulous. I love Bev and her many-postered room (haha, I spelled that foom at first.) I love Becca and her enthusiasm despite her severe lack of a decent amount of sleep. I love Thursday night tv. I love Friday morning and sleeping in. I love Colleen who commeth earlier that anticipated. I love Bridget Jones. AAAAAIIIIIIII! I'm going to go dance a jig now and sing loudly to my favourite songs. Love you all!
sabato, dicembre 11, 2004
Attack of the Small Children
Last night was interesting. It turned out I only had to babysit 5 kids instead of 6, because the oldest (the one that was going to help out with the baby) got appendicitis and thus was not present. Also, I haven't been around young children for a while and severely overestimated the age of 18 months - which actually turned out to be 15 months. In addition, the oldest kid there, an 8-year-old, apparently had mild autism. You really couldn't tell though. He seemed fine to me.
But i have learned that it is extremely difficult to make 5 kids go to bed and stay there. Especially considering the 2 of them that I normally babysit are enough of a challenge in themselves. At least they sat and watched most of the movie. I don't envy the woman in charge of that gang on a regular basis.
But i have learned that it is extremely difficult to make 5 kids go to bed and stay there. Especially considering the 2 of them that I normally babysit are enough of a challenge in themselves. At least they sat and watched most of the movie. I don't envy the woman in charge of that gang on a regular basis.
mercoledì, dicembre 08, 2004
Beware Organic Profs, Volume II
My organic prof finnished early today and gave a "demonstation" on the effects of alcohol to "Christmas spirit." Again, we applauded. Then in math, my prof finnished early and wrote "Beer time!" at the end of the notes. You know, I think the profs are celebrating the end of semester as much as the students are. I'll miss those guys and their antics.
The other day when I was on the bus going back to the U of A for the organic lab exam this completely random started asking me questions about organic chem stuff. It was very odd. A little reminiscent of the Damon-Bus incidents of '02, actually. He seemed to think I knew what I was talking about. I kind of felt bad for him tho, because he was asking about all the simpler stuff, like how to calculate limiting reagents. Did we not do that in Chem 20? I guess that's why he thought I knew what was going on; if he couldn't figure out that kind of stuff I must have seemed like some kind of genius. Then again, he said he was in Ag For. Poor guy. Oh well, he seemed nice enough. I actually surprised myself by explaining stuff to him and revealing that I knew more that I thot I did. And I had an actual (almost) conversation with a complete stranger! Go me.
The other day when I was on the bus going back to the U of A for the organic lab exam this completely random started asking me questions about organic chem stuff. It was very odd. A little reminiscent of the Damon-Bus incidents of '02, actually. He seemed to think I knew what I was talking about. I kind of felt bad for him tho, because he was asking about all the simpler stuff, like how to calculate limiting reagents. Did we not do that in Chem 20? I guess that's why he thought I knew what was going on; if he couldn't figure out that kind of stuff I must have seemed like some kind of genius. Then again, he said he was in Ag For. Poor guy. Oh well, he seemed nice enough. I actually surprised myself by explaining stuff to him and revealing that I knew more that I thot I did. And I had an actual (almost) conversation with a complete stranger! Go me.
giovedì, dicembre 02, 2004
Ma Vie En Rouge (et Vert)
It's been some time since my last post, so I figured I'd better update, even tho there is a severe lack of interesting things going on in my life. I had my last organic lab today, which is very likely the last lab I will ever do for the rest of my life. There is much rejoicing. Unfortunately, this means the organic lab exam is steadily creeping up on me. I'm sure I'll study for it eventually.
There is a bizarre orangish-brown stain on my hand that appeared today during the lab. It will not come off.
Last weekend Ma and I set up the Christmas tree and yesterday we put the ornaments on. Some of them are getting pretty ancient. Ahhh, memories. It put me in a sesonal mood again and now I want to make Christmas ornaments for everyone I know despite the fact I'm not inordinately crafty. Oh, well. The advent calendar is up and the count is down. I mean...counting know what I mean.
I'm hoping to get the rest of my Christmas shopping done this weekend. And then I can wrap everything and put off my chem studying even longer! I love weekends.
There is a bizarre orangish-brown stain on my hand that appeared today during the lab. It will not come off.
Last weekend Ma and I set up the Christmas tree and yesterday we put the ornaments on. Some of them are getting pretty ancient. Ahhh, memories. It put me in a sesonal mood again and now I want to make Christmas ornaments for everyone I know despite the fact I'm not inordinately crafty. Oh, well. The advent calendar is up and the count is down. I mean...counting know what I mean.
I'm hoping to get the rest of my Christmas shopping done this weekend. And then I can wrap everything and put off my chem studying even longer! I love weekends.

If you ever wondered what the inside of an organic chem lab at the U of A looks like, you're in luck. Please note the overall dinginess and the small amount of space available by the fumehoods. I don't really know why my TA wanted a pic of us. I think he told us to make a wierd pose, which at least explains those two guys in the front. Oh, and the blonde girl of the far left is Heather, in case you were wondering.