
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

mercoledì, dicembre 08, 2004

Beware Organic Profs, Volume II 

My organic prof finnished early today and gave a "demonstation" on the effects of alcohol to "Christmas spirit." Again, we applauded. Then in math, my prof finnished early and wrote "Beer time!" at the end of the notes. You know, I think the profs are celebrating the end of semester as much as the students are. I'll miss those guys and their antics.
The other day when I was on the bus going back to the U of A for the organic lab exam this completely random started asking me questions about organic chem stuff. It was very odd. A little reminiscent of the Damon-Bus incidents of '02, actually. He seemed to think I knew what I was talking about. I kind of felt bad for him tho, because he was asking about all the simpler stuff, like how to calculate limiting reagents. Did we not do that in Chem 20? I guess that's why he thought I knew what was going on; if he couldn't figure out that kind of stuff I must have seemed like some kind of genius. Then again, he said he was in Ag For. Poor guy. Oh well, he seemed nice enough. I actually surprised myself by explaining stuff to him and revealing that I knew more that I thot I did. And I had an actual (almost) conversation with a complete stranger! Go me.
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