
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

giovedì, dicembre 02, 2004

Ma Vie En Rouge (et Vert) 

It's been some time since my last post, so I figured I'd better update, even tho there is a severe lack of interesting things going on in my life. I had my last organic lab today, which is very likely the last lab I will ever do for the rest of my life. There is much rejoicing. Unfortunately, this means the organic lab exam is steadily creeping up on me. I'm sure I'll study for it eventually.
There is a bizarre orangish-brown stain on my hand that appeared today during the lab. It will not come off.
Last weekend Ma and I set up the Christmas tree and yesterday we put the ornaments on. Some of them are getting pretty ancient. Ahhh, memories. It put me in a sesonal mood again and now I want to make Christmas ornaments for everyone I know despite the fact I'm not inordinately crafty. Oh, well. The advent calendar is up and the count is down. I mean...counting down...you know what I mean.
I'm hoping to get the rest of my Christmas shopping done this weekend. And then I can wrap everything and put off my chem studying even longer! I love weekends.
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