
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

venerdì, dicembre 24, 2004

The Exciting Adventures of My Week 

Ok, I'm feeling a little like Bev might send me evil voodoo thoughts via telepathy if I don't post soon, so now I am. Here are the past few days at a glance (and all the cool stuff you folk down south have missed out on):
Bev and Colleen came over for a visit some days ago (ok, i guess they didn't miss this part) and it was good times. We really should try that game in a large-scale setting sometime. Great fun. Then the Annual Christmas Sleepover of Joy, which entailled Pin the Nose on Rudolph (and stumbling around drunkenly-v. exciting), Christmas movies, and the usual joy of it all.
Becca's Party de Sugarplums was also good times. I wish I'd known aboutthe tobogganing beforehand, tho. But still, Taboo is an awesome game, and Zoolander is an awesome movie. And the grade 12 IB keaners this year are so innocent and naive it's hilarious and sad at the same time. Were we ever like that? Not me, I hope. Anyway, thanks for the free alcohol and plum action.
The next night was Ocean's 12 with Tas. Apparently, nobody checks their email but us. But it was still great fun, and Tas gave me my birthday/Christmas present. She always gived the coolest gifts. Hats off to you, Tas.
Yesterday Dad took me out to play squash with him. Let me illuminate the situation: I am not a good squash player. In fact, that was the second time I've ever played that game. But it was fun and I actually got out of the house, so it was definitely worthwhile. After that pa and I shopped for stocking stuffers for Mam. I have to admit, stocking stuffers are one of the best parts about Christmas. THey are so small! Anyway, last night was supposed to be dinner with Tas and Jeff at East Side Mario's, but Jeff had a brain laps so again it was the The Taser and me. It was also fun, and they have awesome pasta, even if it is kinda exspensive. Oh, and Mike Sue was there with his kin. That was funny.
Today I got my mark for organic: Out of 160 on the final, I got an impressive 62.5. Yes, that works out to 39%. But, God bless the bell curve, I ended up with a B-. A B-!!!! I haven't checked for sure yet, but I think that means 2.7, which is the exact mark I need to get into the arts faculty. WOOT!
So those are the exciting adventures of my week. Today I plan on doing the enormous crossword puzzle in the paper, going to the Christmas eve service, watching It's a Wonderful Life with Mam, and going to bed early. Life is good.
Hope that wa slong enough for you, Bevery!
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