
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

lunedì, gennaio 30, 2006


OK. Weekend was madness. Spent too much money and had too much fun. Now am paying for it by doing forgotten anthro readings. So insanely busy: mad dash to get passport in on time. Italy for Reading Week going ahead! Must brush up on the Italian. Still have to build myself a dresser. Room in disarray.
Am a horrible person. Must get some sleep.

martedì, gennaio 24, 2006

E Oggi, Scrivo 

Ok, y'all are right. I am totally dropping the ball here. I actually do have a lot to talk about, what with starting a new semester and all but I can't be buggered to find the time to update. So I'll appease the masses now (shout out to D'Poorna!).

The school situation is kind of enveloping my life right now in an unpleasant manner. Prof Saddist of Propaganda 271 is my new arch-enemy. I'm sorry but I just can't read 50 pages a night, even if I ignore the fact that I'm taking 4 other courses. Good news, tho: the text book for anthro finally came in, so now I'm only approximately 3 weeks behind in that course. Score!

For some reason I seem to like art history and Italian now, tho I didn't at first. L'italiano e il mio amico! Ma non veramente. Non so perche mi lo piace. Holy crap, I need to study for the test on Thurs. And of course, soc 224 con la mia amica Salima is the bomb. If there is a better prof than Bill, I'm not even sure I want to know about it.

So aside from the copious amounts of reading, I've been busy with badminton (hurrah for 8-person games!) and going to movies and such. So for now things are sufficiently busy to keep me satisfied. Huzzah for procrastination!

domenica, gennaio 08, 2006

Riding the Rollercoaster 

Well, there has been some closure. He came over last night to drop off some of my stuff and the flowers he promised me for Christmas. We chatted a bit but I didn't want him to stay long. I could tell it was hard for him too. I'm so proud of myself for not crying in front of him. I told him we should not contact each other for at least a few days. I need to get used to being without him and focus on my new life. So far, being single is harder the second time around but I'm getting through. There's lots to do today before school starts tomorrow and I'm glad for it. I'm especially glad for my friends who are really pulling through for me. I've totally neglected you guys these past seven months and I couldn't be more sorry about that. I won't let it happen again. Tas, thanks so much for the book. It's definitely helping.

giovedì, gennaio 05, 2006

Progress Report 

Been talking a lot with Adam online. Obviously the past few days have been hard but I think we've made some major headway. I'm moving towards being ok with being just friends with him. It turns out that may have been all I needed all along. Who knew? I will prolly have some more downer moments over the next little while but more or less I'm doing better now. Once the routine of school starts things should settle a bit. My marks are all in now and they're all more than positive, so that's a bit of a help too. You guys have all been awesome and I really appreciate your support. I think we're gonna be ok.

martedì, gennaio 03, 2006

Happy New Year 

Adam broke up with me last night. I'm a huge wreck. I can't eat or sleep. I can't think straight. I can't stop crying. If ever there was a time I needed you guys, it's now.

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