
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

lunedì, ottobre 31, 2005

The Week From Hell 

Ok, this has been the week from hell. The Four Midterms of Death are over, and my assignment, which took at least 15 hours, is done and handed in. But then a good friend of mine is in the hospital because he collapsed at school on Friday because of a heart condition he has. The past 24 hours or so I have been completely freaking out. Nobody seemed to know much about it and this morning when I went to the hospital to visit him, the lady told me he was in intensive care and only family could see him. So I immediately jumped to the worst conclusion possible and had a wee bit of a meltdown right there at school.

Later I found out another friend of his has gone to visit him, so obviously the crazy lady at the front desk is a big fat liar and should not be allowed to make people worry needlessly like that. So he's going to be ok but still it's scary. Why does shit like this happen to the best people?

Happy Halloween.

lunedì, ottobre 24, 2005

Tests Bad Brain No Thinky 

Uggggggggggh. The first half of madness is over and I am completely spent. I'd tell you how anthro went if only I could remember. It all happened so fast, officer.... Five minutes after exams my brain expelled everything I'd learned. And I think prolly some other stuff too that I should really have held on to. Meh. Now we just have Italian to fail (twice!) and we're set.
Where was everyone when I needed to celebrate? And curl up into a little ball with and fall asleep from brain overload? Mmmmmmm sleep I think I'll

lunedì, ottobre 17, 2005

Non Mi Piace L'Universita 

Well tomorrow evening my parents return from the Land of the Extraodinarily Cool. It'll be good to not have to take care of the house any more and start focusing on my abundantly overabundant workload. Next week we have 4 midterms! Yay! And the week after that my anthro prof (whom I now like a whole lot less) has scheduled an assignment which i still don't properly understand. It kinda makes me want to shoot myself in the hand so I can say, "Well, I just couldn't do the assignment because of this here crippling disability." But i suppose that'd just be taking advantage of the system.
Good old Serbian Italian prof isn't helping much either. Apparently we're still supposed to go into the lab and do stupid little assignments when we have much more pressing matters at hand. Don't you just hate it when profs pretend that you're only taking their course, and not 4 others which have equally valid demands? Arg.
But I digress. My point was that if my brain explodes in the next few days, it'll prolly be back to normal after this madness is over.

mercoledì, ottobre 12, 2005

Well, This Sucks 

The parents have flown the coop. They're off partying it up in Italy without me. Again. The house is way too damn quiet. I'm tired and cold and cranky and don't feel like walking the dogs or studying or doing anything remotely productive. I officially have no friends and don't belong anywhere. I hate being alone.
I need several hugs.

lunedì, ottobre 10, 2005

Giving Thanks For Long Weekends 

To those of you who remembered, thank you. Much appreciated.
Friday night I had supper at Adam's place. They were having a going-away party for his sister, who left for Australia yesterday and there was approximately half the population of French Canada present. In othere words, his mom's side of the family. Oh how I love the little French children! Adam was totally beating up on them at video games, the scoundrel. His aunt still seems to like me. Woot.
After that was the Night of Wooly Bully's, because 2 other people I know also had birthdays this weekend. There were so many Sal people there. Madness! I drank a Porn Star. More madness! Adam proved that you actually can talk in a high voice if you inhale helium from a balloon. I guess science has its odd moments of being cool. But they are very few and far between.
Saturday Colleen arrived! And there was much rejoicing. She rescued me this whole weekend from studying, bless her wee little soul. We had fun with our new traditions of trying to photograph ourselves (really hard to do when your arms are as short a here haha jk Colleener) and frolicking in the leaves. Sunday night her family and my family and my godparents and Adam all had Thanksgiving dinner. I am thankful for the fact that my family doesn't make fun of me as much as Adam's family makes fun of him.
Colleen left this morn. Ah, it goes by so quickly. Now it's all quiet and lonely and I only have my homework to keep my busy. Not much company if you ask me.

domenica, ottobre 02, 2005

All These Things That I've Done 

So, how awesome is this weekend? Very awesome is the answer. On Friday Adam said "awesome possum" of his own free will. What does that tell you?
So Friday we played le badminton avec Sabi and her lil sis. They are hilarious. Ah, sibling rivalries. How I love them. Then I persuaded Adam to come over for supper instead of going home to do homework on a Friday night. I save him from nerdity. It was a close call. Then we saw Serenity with the guys and I must speak of its fabulousness. Go see it. After that Adam and I dominated at cards because we were sort of forming a team which was highly illegal.
Yesterday I actually got a decent amount of schoolwork done before karate. It was kind of a rough class tho; someone punched me in the chest and Adam kicked my wrist. I really need to learn how to block properly. Surprisingly I'm not one big bruise today.
Later on that night we had another insane 16-person bowling night. I played like crap but it was fun anyway.
And now it's today! My new bed just came and it looks great set up in Brian's old room. Mams and I are gonna go shopping for bedclothes and I couldn't be happier. Let the joy run free!

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