
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

lunedì, ottobre 17, 2005

Non Mi Piace L'Universita 

Well tomorrow evening my parents return from the Land of the Extraodinarily Cool. It'll be good to not have to take care of the house any more and start focusing on my abundantly overabundant workload. Next week we have 4 midterms! Yay! And the week after that my anthro prof (whom I now like a whole lot less) has scheduled an assignment which i still don't properly understand. It kinda makes me want to shoot myself in the hand so I can say, "Well, I just couldn't do the assignment because of this here crippling disability." But i suppose that'd just be taking advantage of the system.
Good old Serbian Italian prof isn't helping much either. Apparently we're still supposed to go into the lab and do stupid little assignments when we have much more pressing matters at hand. Don't you just hate it when profs pretend that you're only taking their course, and not 4 others which have equally valid demands? Arg.
But I digress. My point was that if my brain explodes in the next few days, it'll prolly be back to normal after this madness is over.
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