
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

domenica, gennaio 14, 2007


How long do you think is a safe amount of time to keep using Vicks Vapour Rub after it expires? Surely one month is not deadly.

Today I have a touch of the disease about me, but I'll live. It does not make for a very productive weekend tho. I have so much homework to do already. Because of Prof Bastard (of soc 102 fame last semester) I can expect 80-100 pages of reading a week in suckology 332 alone. Fuck you, Prof Bastard, fuck you. Sorry, rage going on. More or less because of him I had to turn down a job offer at the u of a that was in my field of interest. So excuse me if I'm a little bitter.

The rest of my classes are looking more or less decent, altho anthro 310 has a total of 7 textbooks, which I'm less than thrilled about. But my other 3 classes (soc of populations, soc psych, and demography of marriage and the family ie soc 459!!) are all relatively interesting which hopefully will make up for it. Anyway, I'm feeling somewhat burn-y so I think it's time to get out of the basement now. Ta.
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