
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

venerdì, dicembre 22, 2006

Seasonal Revelry at its Finest 

Huzzah! Exams are finally over, and I think they all went pretty well. Even modern social theory, which I basically had to relearn in about 4 days. Sure felt good selling the textbooks for that. Goodbye, History of Sexuality! You and your cruel, deceptive title will not be missed.

Of course, there is only one way to properly celebrate the end of a semester, and that is with revelry. And thus the excuse for Christmas Party '06 was born. Complete with a grass skirt, a tambourine, Nigel's imfamous bar, and Chow Pow the karate dog, it was one friggin' awesome party. Don't let the pictures below deceive you, I only got tipsy. No, really. It's true!
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