
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

giovedì, settembre 07, 2006

Quecumque Vera 

Does anyone know what that means?

So, I guess it's time for the bi-annual start of semester review. Not sure why I'm bothering but here it is, nonetheless.

Soc 102: Social Problems. Way too much work for a first year course. Weekly assignements but the final exam is on the last day of classes. Weird, no?

Soc 210: Social Statistics. Enough said.

Soc 212: Modern Social Theory. Sounds kinda boring, but a. the prof is hot and b. we get to read Marx's Communist Manifesto. Sweet.

Soc 225: Criminology. Seems cool. Big class. Didn't actually talk about anything other than the syllabus.

Anthro 322: Big scary 3rd year course. Take home final. Sweet.

Well, that was boring. Applaud my feeble efforts to make the first 2 days of school sound like fun.
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