
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

giovedì, aprile 27, 2006

lori is the key to unlocking the secrets of success 

So exams are all done. Still pretty stressy. As soon as I got home my Dad grilled me about cleaning my room. Can I not have one evening of peace? Particularly after my extended failure in the job department. Yes, that's right, I failed the only interview I got. The last thing I need right now is someone lecturing me about something as trivial as cleaning my room. It'll get done eventually, so what's the big deal? ARG ANGRY WORDS.

Sorry about the rant. I think it's a really good thing I only had 4 exams this semester, because clearly I can't handle anything much more than that for the time being. Please feel free to post your stress-related comments here. Let us rant together!
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