
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

lunedì, febbraio 13, 2006

Miracle of Miracles 

Um, ok. So somehow my studying plan (if you can even call it a plan)has worked. Who could have predicted that? I actually did manage to get through everything I had meant to get through this weekend. Honestly, I thought I was being a little optimistic when I said I'd touch on every subject, but look! I actually did.

The only problem now is that my brain is starting to crap out on me. Trying to sqeeze in some more soc last night was very much not happening. But now that that exam is over, I can forget everything from soc and make more room for Italian! The oral part is tomorrow. I have a vague feeling it will be my doom. I'm really hoping my prof picks the topic on travelling...
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