
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

giovedì, settembre 15, 2005

Big Fancy Post 

Hahahah, Willis, you make me laugh. Actually most of you make me laugh, so I shall post for you good little children.
Well, life's been pretty insanely busy of late but in a good, "I'm-not-dying-of-stress" kind of way. I'm officially behind in several classes for textbook readings, but the profs don't check that so yay, I'm winning. Most of my readings aren't too bad anyway; they're things I'm actually interested in, like ancient Egypt. Tho my reading for the anthro seminar could really not be more retarded. Why do big fancy people who write big fancy books feel the need to use big fancy words? Just say it in plain English, already. Bastards.
I inadvertently called my female Italian prof a man today. Maybe not so much with the good. She's pretty cool tho. I'm hoping she'll let it slide. Or maybe just my marks will slide...whatever.
I may be ready for the next belt level in karate now. Yay me!
Bev is going to photograph me doing questionable acts tomorrow at school. And by questionable acts, I of course mean jumping out of trees and other such things. What did you think I meant?
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