
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

mercoledì, settembre 28, 2005

Be Nice to Me or I'll Infect You 

Yeah so you know how some days you just feel blah, like things aren't working out? Today is like that. I think I'm coming down with something, which I totally can't handle right now because I have a midterm in a week. Holy crap, my midterm is in a week! Ugh.
So cuz I'm feeling under the weather I don't feel like going out tonight, but I really don't feel like staying in either because my dad seems to have caught bubonic plague. It sounds like he's dying. And I'm horrible for saying this but I really don't want to be around him because now I'm going to get sick and have to put everything important, like studying and homework and finishing (read: starting) my room before Colleen's family gets here in like a week. And I don't know when the frig Colleen's plane is coming in and I'm supposed to get graded for karate that night and also supposed to party it up with 2 other friends whose birthdays are that weekend and OH MAKE THE MADNESS STOP.
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