
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

giovedì, luglio 28, 2005

And Lo, There Came a Miracle 

Well, things are certainly looking up again. Today is Adam and my second month anniversary - and he remembered! Major boyfriend points going on here. Unfortunately tho he's sick and that kind of puts a damper on things. But he's resilient, that one.
At work today I got my schedule for the rest of August, and nearly all my shifts are 9-12 ones. Hooray! Nothing beats working 2 days a week. But the extra good news is that I got all next week off - which means Camping Trip '05 is a go! Best of all, Colleen the Great and Powerful has managed to get the week off too! This is truly magnificent news, as it means Camping Trip '05 will now not be spent entirely with only my parents - ie Potential Immense Boredom '05. It'll be grand - just like old times. But in an RV.
In other news, life's pretty much returned to normal. Except work is now so abundantly slow there is nothing to do there. At all. Which is why I composed this post at work. Don't tell Anna, Celeste. TRhe only amusement I had all evening was seeing how much I could get away with while Anna walked by every few minutes. That, and reading the paper from February 2004. Compelling stuff. Man ALIVE, we should not be staying open til 9 anymore. And also Minnie the Cat should learn how to pose properly for a portrait. No wonder she ended up looking like some kind of striped weasel. I mean, honestly.
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