
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

giovedì, giugno 16, 2005

Power Sweepin' 

Well then. It's been a couple days and I have time so I suppose a post is in order here. Even tho I don't particularly have much to say today.
Tuesday they called from work and gave me the day off - hurrah! I kind of needed the rest, too. But at least I spent it doing productive things - making a mixed CD for Adam's birthday, scrapbooking, and wrapping my dad's Father's Day gift. Was very relaxing, and listening to my awesome new CDs made it even better.
Yesterday at work had to be the most boring work day ever. It was just me and Celeste til 5, and even with only two of us working there wasn't enough to keep us occupied. So they sent me to sweep the front of the greenhouse and I got to use the power sweeper. Which isn't as exciting as it sounds. It gave me blisters. But one good thing about it being dead slow was that Celeste had time to make a birthday crown for Adam. Which I managed to forget to give to him.
So yesterday was his birthday and now he's 20. 20!!! Is that not old? He's more than a year older than me. I feel so young. Haha but not really.
Tonight after work it's poker with the guys and Celeste is coming too. Should be a grand old time. ("So about Thursday," eh, Celeste? Hahahahaha.) And then I work at 8:30 on Friday morning. Stupid 9 1/2 hour shifts. And then another one on Saturday!!! Yay my bosses must love me.
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