
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

giovedì, giugno 09, 2005

Old Men With Open Shirts 

Ok. Ummmmmm yesterday my supper was half mouldy so that sucked. Been less busy at work lately but have fewer staff on hand so that's kinda uncool. Today Celeste and me were up at the til for like the whole day by ourselves because Donna was nowhere to be found and stupid customers kept picking out cartloads of plants and then deciding to buy only 3 or 4 so we had to put them back but couldn't cuz it was too busy and so it got all crowded and we didn't get out of there til like 6:20 and AHHH RUN-ON SENTENCE!
Celeste and I went out on our "date" (ha, ha) after work to Boston Pizza and then Dairy Queen and then back to my place....LMAO I'm sleep deprived and hopped up on caffeinated ice-cream. Last night was out til 2:30 and had to get up at 8 today. Saturday gonna be madness; 20$ off everything and cake cutting and radio stations coming in and book authors everywhere. Really just want that to be over.Oh frig I haven't made lunch for tomorrow yet or called Mrs. Janes cuz she called me and I'm scheduled to do 3 different things tomorrow night and all I want to do is sit.
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