
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

martedì, giugno 28, 2005

0 Sleep + BFF Underoos = Perfection 

Oh. Man. This weekend has been the most awesome weekend known to womanity. On Friday I got to see my gallies Bev and the Colleener, and Bev got to stay for a little visit before I had to shuffle myself off to work. Then after work Adam came over and we hung out til about 3:30. So on Saturday Colleener and her mams, Teresa, came round for some rip-snortin' good times. We all pretended like we hadn't made surprise birthday plans for Teresa and it was jolly good. Colleen and I spent the afternoon shoppin' it up and I got a new bathingsuit and lip gloss and such and it was ever so girly and fun. Saturday night was the surprise dinner for Teresa and they let me drive all the way to Whyte Ave. and back!!!! (Don't laugh at my major accomplishment.) Then came the party at Jessica's with about half the world's population. Including you all, so why am I telling you about it? Suffice to say, for the records, that Jessica is awesome and throws great parties. And we love her.
Saturday night Colleen and I stayed up gossiping til like 2:30 and so Sunday morn we totally slept in and totally missed Jessica's breakfast mahumbas. But I was really too tired to make myself presentable enough for that anyway.
The drive down to Calgary was superfun girl time, complete with music and chick magazines and random oddness that always ensues whenever you put the three of us together. When we got to Calgary we watched Never Been Kissed and had dinner with the Crowes and the Easthams and it was ever so much fun. Colleen and I got an early(ish) sleep that night cuz Monday we went with her dad to this creek in the mountains for ROCK CLIMBING ACTION!!!! We took about 9 billion pictures and got in some decent climbs, despite the weather. And abumdance of chipmunks. We got back in time to make superhot Greek salad for Teresa's real birthday dinner, and Colleen even let me play with the knives! But only the really tiny one. Bah!
That night we went to see Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, and it was THE BOMB. You must see it. And read the book, while you're at it. Then we had chai tea and stayed up til about 1 talking. I love sleepovers.
And then today I took the bus home, and took my first taxi ever. Go me! I got home at 4 and had to leave for work at 4:25. But now I'm home and safe and sound and ready for my next adventure: camping with Adam this weekend!!!!
i am so ready for some good, deep sleep.
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