
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

sabato, febbraio 05, 2005

A Momentous Occasion of Epic Proportions 

Guess what, y'all? I managed to BEAT SABI at badminton!!!! Ok, ok, so I only beat her once and she creamed me in the other game, and technically we didn't finish cuz we ran out of time, but still, this kind of thing does not happen often. So please forgive my gloating and general annoying-ness.
I also think I beat my EAS midterm yesterday, though not as soundly as I would have liked. But the short answer part is mine. Now I just have to focus on getting through anthro on monday, then classics the week after, then getting that retarded english project out of the way, then maybe some history research....Oh, poo.
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