
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

martedì, febbraio 01, 2005

Major Scientific Breakthrough 

I have just discovered the missing link: my dog Casper is part neaderthal. I mean, just look at him: robust build, protruding jaw, pronounced brow ridge.... It's all there, man. Hey, wait a tick, does this mean I learned something in anthro? Booyah! There's hope for me on this midterm yet!
Other major discoveries to the (not-so-)scientific world include the fact that our English prof vastly overestimates us. Although this is not really news. Unfortunately(?) for us we do not study poetry in our spare time, Prof Saddo. Only you do that.
A question: what does "emeritus" mean? That's all for now folks. Nice work on the commenting, btw. I'm proud of you.
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