
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

lunedì, febbraio 28, 2005

Bernard of Nursus???? 

Well, at least my history midterm is over. It wasn't so bad, really, aside from those questions about things I had never even heard of before (goodbye, twenty marks!). And I studied all this stuff about China and Mesoamerica, and the Crusades which Prof Foreign Name managed to say would both be and not be on the exam. But I think I may have bluffed my way into a couple of marks. Lucky for me Bernard of Narsus sounds like a monk's name. I think.
So now I can forget about studying history until about two days before the final, and focus on my piece of crap and non-existent (thus far) history paper. Can watching The Last Samurai be considered research for an essay on Medieval Japan? I think so.
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