
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

sabato, novembre 06, 2004

Time Marches On 

So this is the first weekend I've had in a long, long time that doesn't involve prelabs, lab reports, or a buttload of studying (that doesn't actually get done). Although I'm still doing homework this weekend anyway, because I'd rather not leave it all til next weekend, and I'm babysitting tonight which shall cut into my relaxation time. But at least I'll spend some of tomorrow with Bevin and Sabi. At least I have some life left.
You know, quite frankly, I really disappointed with the way things are turning out at university. How can some people have made so many new friends already? I can't comprehend how some people have already managed to have a breakup when I haven't even met anyone new. It's really quite sad, you know.
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