
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

giovedì, novembre 18, 2004

Of Bus Misadventures and Social Gatherings 

Well now! It's been an interesting week so far. I have managed to miss my bus on Monday, almost miss my bus on Tuesday, and burn myself on a hotplate on Thursday. Note to self: just because the hotplate is on the shelf does not mean it was not on recently. And also I should pick up hotplates by the base, NOT the part that gets hot. Owie.
Despite all that, things are going fairly decently. Dad seems to have accepted the fact that chemistry is not my homeboy, though he certainly doesn't like it. I may still get some of that Dow scholarship, which, quite frankly, would be extra marvelous. I had an awesome time last night at Mrs. Janes' house with the girls from the Pentecostal youth group, even though I spent a large chunk of the night explaining photographs and answering questions about Stef, Amanda, and Luke. I may be going out with the youth group this Friday for pizza, and next Friday for bowling. And I may be going to my first party in about nine billion years at Heather-from-organic-lab's apartment. She really is quite cool.
And so time flies by. It amazes me that, while one chem class can seem to take a week, one week can seem to take an hour. Christmas is fast approaching on the horizon. Must go shopping.
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