
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

martedì, novembre 16, 2004

Breathing a Sigh of Relief 

Well, folks, it looks like my dreams of not being a chemist are going to come true. I saw the student advisor and she told me I can go ahead and register for anthro courses and other such delights for January any time now!!!!! She said I should focus on my core requirements, and that I have to stay in English because it's some sort of, you know, thing I need. So now all I have to do is figure out exactly what direction I want this to take. I'm thinking classics minor. I'm thinking courses in Italian. I'm thinking I'm going to like semester two a whole lot more than the first one. I've got to be honest, it's been a while since I've been this excited about anything school-related. The only minor setback is that I have to maintain some sort of decent GPA (read: 2.7), which means I still have to put in some amount of effort and studying. It's probably a good thing I found out about that when I did, cuz lately I've been figurin', "Well, I won't need organic in the long run, let's skip this last melting point determination and completely flub the results and the conclusion." Alas, that will not work.
AARRRRRGGGG, Dad just came in and was all, "Oh, there are no jobs in that field, blah blah blah." Sigh. I just can't win 'em all, can I?
But in two months, I could be learning Italian. Sweet.
And to top it all off, I pulled off an A- on my English essay. There's hope for me in that class yet.
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