
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

mercoledì, ottobre 20, 2004

God Wants Me to Eat an Apple 

So what have I learned today? I have learned that if I buy a cookie at Tim's and don't take it out of my backpack right away, Buster will move in for the kill as soon as I leave the room. I really wanted that cookie, too. So now it's apples for me.
Mom and Dad come home from Ontario tomorrow, which means Brian and I had better get crackin' if we don't want them to see the frightful state of things in the kitchen. Bri left me a note today saying "methinks we should clean up tonight." We, of course, meaning me, because if he planned to do anything of the sort he would have done it already. Not to mention the fact that he has proven his inabilities in this area on many previous occasions (see June 2004). So tonight shall be full of dishpan hands and brisk dogwalks. Not that they deserve it after snaggling my cookie, the fiends. How does a dog open a backpack, anyway?
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