
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

martedì, ottobre 12, 2004

The Blank Post 

Arg. I was trying to add some new links to my blog and it made me accidentally post a blank post, so now I am turning it into a not blank post. Today I picked up my yearbook. Apparently, they been in for like two weeks. Alas, I am out of the loop. Anywho, after that mom and I went shopping for baby clothes for my cousin's new baby. Socks for newborns have got to be some of the cutest things ever invented. Mom saw me looking at all the little baby booties and things and told me not to have kids yet. A hahahah, Mom.
So of course, since we were already at the mall we had to pop into Stitches and look at the pretty things in there. Thus I spent the rest of the afternoon shopping, and then looking at the yearbook when I got home. Quite the times.
Tonight we shall be scrambling to finish the chem 101 lab report questions that were rendered unanswerable yesterday by my failure to use the stupid carbon paper that doesn't work anyway. Long story short, lesson learned and now I can get my questions done. Also I hope to do my nails, which were not done on monday and by now are in an even worse state of disrepair. Quite the scandal.
But enough procrastination. Onward, ho!
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