
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

venerdì, agosto 06, 2004

My Family Has Completely Lost It 

Today I cleaned my room. For REAL this time. With, like, dusting and vacuuming and all that. It was freaky. But that's not what makes my family crazy. Ohhhh, no, not by far. Brian just got back from a two-week trip and Mam thought it would be hilarious if we put an empty bottle of alcohol in his car, like when they found one in Dad's car after their trip. Only she went a little overboard....let's just say she put a couple...other...things in there. Including women's undergarments. The rest is too improper to mention here.
Ok, that was the highlight of today's Friday. It really sucked, didn't it? Just like life.
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