
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

mercoledì, agosto 11, 2004

Canine Steroids 

Casper has a sore on his back leg and it makes him all limp-y and sad. We have to make sure he doesn't lick it but he doesn't seem to agree with that very much. We might have to put on of those enormous lampshade collars on him. For now, he is on steroids. Come on down to my place for all your canine steroid needs.
Last night I was working with, Rob, who is even newer than me. He's really quite decent in the curly hair department. He even started a convo with me when it was kinda quiet. For the last hour it was just us working, which is a scary thought, really. He kind of had that "new hire" look abuot him that he didn't really know what to do next. He was walking back and forth and wiping things down a lot. I felt kind of bad telling him to do stuff, cuz I know what it's like to be new, but we were running late. And some evil guy came and asked for meat at like quarter to 10. Could he not see we were taking apart the slicer???? Oh, well. I really hope I didn't forget something, or totally screw something up.
Today is another sunny day! Let the joy of sunshine rain down.
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