
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

mercoledì, giugno 23, 2004

Mam and Dad are home and sanity is restored. The tyranical overlord has been ovrthrown! Well, maybe he wasn't so tyranical, and maybe I'm spelling that wrong, but...I forgot where I was going with that. In either case, Brian is officially BUSTED (in the words of Mam) because my 'rents found a beer bottle and extra miles on Pa's shiny car-which Brother Dear is not insured to drive. Mam also found photographic evidence of such events, which Brian was apparently not clever enough to dispose of properly. Really, really quite dense. So now he is their slave.
Today has been spent looking at pictures of fabulously beautiful locales. I have resolved to one day move to Italy.
Studied for chem for too many hours. I'm really not improving, you know. Tomorrow is looming ahead of me rather menacingly. You'd think I'd be more worried, considering chem is what I'm taking next year. I mean, what if I totally on bomb the diploma and don't make it into university? I hear it's competitive. And I don't have a backup plan. Oh, well. It's only my future. Plan B shall henceforth be know as the plan where I move to Italy. And possibly learn Italian.
Mes grandparents et ma tante arriverent ce soir. Ugh I totally did that wrong, didn't I? Out of French for 4 months and already I can't do futur...thing. Anyway, grandparents. They will come.
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