
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

sabato, giugno 26, 2004

My Family Rocks 

Man alive. After two weeks of loneliness and boredom, it's really great to have so many people in the house. I mean, aside from fighting over the bathroom, which, I will admit, I am a large part of, it's truly fabby having them all. The last two suppers we spent swappin' stories of our childhoods and the stupid things we once did. I loved it. We were all laughing so very hard. For example, Nana once asked a gay man where he got his accent from. Twice, actually. Hars.
Brian even partook last night. Of course, his contribution consisted of him showing off his "knowledge" of card tricks and sarcasm. But at least we got him to laugh once or twice.
Yesterday was busy. I spent it shopping with the girls, and Nana and Aunt Sue insisted on buying me a corsage for my wrist for tomoz. They even let me pick it out, and it be pretty. And we went to Steep's and discussed life whilst drinking our drinks. Afterwards, I spent much time recieving a pedicure from Mam, giving a pedicure to Mam, and doing all my nails. So if they look crappy, it's cuz I did 'em.
Today shall be equally busy. Hair appointment at 12! Mam is threatening to photograph everything.
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