
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

lunedì, giugno 14, 2004

Captain's Log: Day Six of Project Liberation
Alrighty. So thanks be to the Ste Man who kept me occupied on the yesterday so's that I didn't have to harvest up some lunch for myself. Booyah to you. And your scrapbook pages rock. And so does Moulin Rouge. But we all already knew that, didn't we? I know I did. But I totally just said that so now I'm just being repetitive. Please do not stop reading.
So now Karthik wants to come party at my house with my brother. What have I done? That kid's even younger than me. His innocence has been terminated. Hahahahahahahahahahaha.
This rain is a blessing in dusguise. Now I don't have to water the plants in the backyard. And it's giving me practice driving in unfavourable conditions. But it does make walking puppies rather messy. But why am I doing that anyway? It's one of Brian's jobs that he has failed at so very miserably. Poor puppies. So lonely.
Good note: Brian actually appologised for being a right &*$%! on Saturday night. Ok, those weren't his EXACT words, but he DID say he'd clean up his mess. And that he was sorry for the noise. I'll show YOU sorry, my boy....hahahahahaha.
Hasn't gotten so bad I've had to call the cops. Yet.
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