
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

sabato, giugno 12, 2004

Captain's Log: Day Four of Project Liberation
First it must be stated that the church grad was fun. And everyone looked so pretty. And we got to dress up. And go bowling. And that crazy bowl game was awesome-we must play it again the next time we have a large group together.
That being said, my joy effectively ended the moment I got home. For reasons unknown to the sane he locked the garage door leading into the house, and after pounding on the door and fumbling around in the dark unsuccessfully with keys I eventually went around to the front door all grumbly-like. When I opened the door i found beer bottles everywhere, a tire rim in the dining room, and rather unpleasant smells emmitting from within. And no, they were not because of my dogs-they were because of my brother and his smelly, smelly friends. Shudder. So by this time I was rather pissy, and matters were not helped when Brian staggared in drunk as a dog with his drinking buddies. Thankfully they shut up after a little while and went to bed.
It is amazing how big of a mess a handful of guys can make.
There are beer bottles and cigarette butts in my backyard.
Brian says he was standing on the shed.
Come home, Mom and Dad.
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