
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

sabato, maggio 15, 2004

So last night was fairly good times. There were many good-tasting things to eat at the badminton party, and I tried my hand (unsuccessfully) at ping-pong and (more unsuccessfully still) at pool. It was good times. And I got the Sabre Pride award for the girls again! Booyah. Basically that means I'm the only one who had no life outside of badminton, but still, it makes me happy.
And to those who did not come to the movie, it as good times. However, they totally should have put something after the credits. I mean, it was totally the kind of movie that would be perfect for that. Pshaw.
And I didn't kill anybody while driving yesterday! Although I did manage to get severely lost in New House Place. They need bigger signs up there. But at least I found my way home on the first try. Quite proud of that one.
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