
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

venerdì, maggio 21, 2004

Oks, what be new today? Let us think. Well, it has become apparent that Ste is the DOMINATOR of badminton, and I denounce her as Chancellor of Indosia for not joining the team. I mean, you're totally fabulous and you haven't played in a year or been learning any skills recently, so there's really no excuse. Think of the fun we could have had! Think of the choir practices you could have gotten out of! Think of the exercise you could have gotten! And nobody would have been judging you. So you are therefore fiendish. And evil.
Strong Bad is getting really lax in his answering of emails. It's disgraceful. As is our grad song, which I think deserves to be burned at the stake. Along with a cowboy hat. Because those aren't cool.
My brother officially has no affiliation with us anymore. He just noticed today some shelves that have been in our basement for about two years now. He's a disgrace, too. And he smells.
Jennifer Barkman sent me her grad photo in the mail, which is queer because i was thinking of sending her mind via the net. What a crazy world we live in, eh? Adios, muchachos!
Now I want nachos. And the word tantamount to be banned from the English dictionary. It's disgraceful.
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