
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

mercoledì, aprile 07, 2004

and now i blog, for it brings joy to some, and sometimes to me. huzzah my new license came!!!! and huzzah ste taught me how to spell license!!!!! now i am licensed to spell. aaaaaaaand i need a hobby.
its so incredibly wacked. the day i actually have time to do homework is the day i don't have any. wait a minute. what am i complaining for? i have no homework!!! this is a time to rejoice. dance with me, my evew popuwaw paws! dance, i teww you!!!!
hey wanna know something weird? i was actually enjoying my english book today! fancy that. the bell rang, and i was all like, oh, this is interrupting my reading. but that's ok because we got to do fingerprinting in forensics and that is cool. and lunch with me and the ste man was great. we snaggled some jellybeans, although we diddn't snaggle them all because we're such good little children, and then we ate us some skittle action. of the blue variety. even chem and bio weren't too terribly horribly atrocious, because in bio there were chocolates and in chem there was reading and not doing the questions. because mr. lam is the coolest teacher ever and doesn't mind.
so you guys, now that i have told you my life story of the day (which is really nonsensical, because my life story is of my life, not of my day, but then again, when was i ever sensical? never, that's when. not even in my early childhood days. but that's my life story, which i'm not telling right now.), i don't really know what else to tell you. i could tell you about my detestation of bio, but you already know that one. i could tell you of my knowledge of the periodic table song, but i'm sure you don't want to know about that. (which is a tragedy, really, dr. demento is so beyond cool. i mean, a song about fish heads, and poisoning pidgeons in the park, and star wars in 30 seconds? does it really get any better than that? if it does, i'm not ever sure i wanna know about it.) or i could relate to you my story of the time that i got a chunk of plastic in my eye. but really, who wants to hear about that? not me. this is a long paragraph. let's go for a picnic. i'm thinkin rundle or someplace full of the trees.
do contact lenses expire? i'd like to know that. are you getting tired of this blog yet? i should be but i'm not. this perplexes me. i pense its not interesting enough. its needs to be like, jazzed up or something. like, with jazz music. only i don't know how to put that on a blog. can you put that on a blog? another mystery for me to solve. or you to solve, if you so desire. i bet the ste could do it. she's so techno-savvy. ha! savvy!
i'm writing so much lately. its madness, i tell you. that muct be how ste does it. she's full of the madness, i concur. did i use that word right? i pense que non. what's that, you say? you have a problem with that? well, that's just too darn bad for you, my friend. cuz I AIN'T CHANGIN IT. you'd better deal with it. you'd just better. you have been warned. that is all.
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