
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

sabato, febbraio 07, 2004

YOU GUYS GUESS WHAT!!!!! they finally hired someone, and she's working like every day and taking like all of my shifts. I HAVE ALL OF NEXT WEEK OFF, INCLUDING THE WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel like dancing. so we should totally do something....even tho i'm prolly gonna have to spend most of that weekend finishing me evil bio lab report...piece of..well nevermind that. and ste, it is no insult to you that she got the job because she'd already worked at two other subways, so she kinda had an advantage. so hugs to you my fiend.
well that was the big news of the day. hahahahah my coworkers do not seem as pleased as i that all their hours are cut. well, quite frankly for me having some sort of life outside of work is far better than a big fat paycheque. so let us rejoice...i can almost hear the hallelujah chorus a-playin.
unfortunately, one of the closers seems to think that she can order me around. i think she's just joking, mostly....mostly. i think its HER turn to mop the floors today.
moreover, i'm almost done THE BOOK 3. it is riveting. full of rivetosity.and snogosity. hahahahhahah. so anyway, i think i can probably be done it for monday, provided i, you know, finish it.
i've done my english and my chem and my driver's training homework!!! this is dece. haven't started math yet, tho. but i mean, come on, that's what monday is for, right? piece of crap math.
so ste, you and sabi gotta let me know the results and stuff, and whether or not we're gonna use the old ones. MOUSE ACTION!
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