
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

mercoledì, novembre 26, 2003

hear ye, hear ye. i shall post now for the likes of ste, who be telling me to post, the scallawag. i notice that there be a distinct lack of new posting on her blog. The scallawag.
ok, enough of that. pirate talk is too hard to maintain je pense. do you pense? i'm pensing that you do. (that goes out to you, da).
and now on to more pressing matters. haha, there's an oxymoron for you: my blog and pressing matters. but anyway, my lenses are now back in my glasses and i can see again. this afternoon was a whole lot harder than i thought it would be.
going to see colleen's play today!!!!! booyah on her for being alice. this sure beats and evening of homework.
so the math contest was kinda hard in spots, but it was a whole lot better than that wretched one last year. i am forseeing more than 23% this time!! this pleases me.
grad pics went ok. my mom thinks i look pretty with the eye make up. i think i look kinda sickly. its all good.
went driving today. kill count: zero. will work on that.
g'day all. and watch out when you're in my neighbourhood.
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