
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

giovedì, settembre 18, 2003

Hey y'all. Well, today has been...Thursday. This day doesn't really have much of a feeling one way or the other, except for disappointment when i found out you guys all got different answers than me on the math test, and coldness, because evidently our school has not heard of central heating, and slight panic at tomorrow's physics test. Eeek.
So, tomorrow is mom's birthday, and i'm gonna make her a card but i don't really know what to put on/in it. Suggestions are welcome.
In addition, these jelly beans rock. No, seriously. You gotta try em. You know what you also gotta do? Come visit me at work tonight. Its good fun and i can make you food.(meaning make food for you, not make you into food. but i guess you probably figured that one out on your own. if so, as da would say, gj you.)
bref, pourquoi est-ce qu'il n'y a pas un nouveau strong bad email? ca c'est garbage (sorry i don't know the word for that and i'm too lazy to look it up.)
au revoir,
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