
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

giovedì, dicembre 29, 2005

Status Report: The Return of the Colleener 

Ahh! Christmas has come and gone already. Christmas morn was kind of insane, as we got up at 8:00 and left for Calgary around 12:30. Yay I got to see the Colleener and her family! We spent much time visiting and talking and eating and such and I finally got to see Bev's house in Okotoks. It is waaaay too nice. Some pics may be forthcoming but I have really dropped the ball on picture taking lately on account of being to busy enjoying spending time with friends.

We got back to the Park yesterday and somehow it has taken us until today to go shopping. We are going to brave South Edmonton Common! And then we are going to see Memoirs of a Geisha!!! Colleen is reading the book right now and we have to wait til she is finished before we can see the movie. Oh, the suspence! Oh, the humanity! Oh, the fun of girls' day out!

venerdì, dicembre 23, 2005

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year 

Well, exams have been over since Monday, and it's still been madness ever since. Between Christmas shopping, getting my room in order for next week, and trying to find time to spend with friends before Christmas in Calgary '05, the stress levels have been a wee bit elevated. So if I've lashed out at you in the past few days, it's probably not your fault. Probably.

I spent today with Mam, finishing up the shopping (with success!), getting henna done on my hand randomly for fun, and tonight we'll be going out to see My Fair Lady. I definitely needed today. Shopping equals therapy. Yay girltime!

Tomorrow we'll be tying up loose ends, and Christmas day we leave for Calgary to chill with Colleen and Bev. It'll be good to catch up. Colleen and I come back on the 27th or 28th, and she's staying in the Park till probably January 2. So if any of you folk feel like spending some quality time avec moi et la Colleener, this is your chance!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

domenica, dicembre 18, 2005

All I Want For Christmas... 

Oh! Now I remember what weekends are supposed to feel like! Relaxation on Saturday, followed by the feeling that I should be working harder on Sunday than I am. But still more or less getting things done, because the Week From Hell is over and I only have one thing to study instead of 3 in 36 hours.

Feeling generally good about the exams I've written so far. I've learned it totally pays off to find courses that fit you, as evidenced by my soc mark. Yay, GPA boosters! Have forgotten everything about Anthro, Classics, and Italian and and now working on telling 10 different cathedrals apart for art history. But I think we'll be ok.

One more and it's freedom, baby!

martedì, dicembre 13, 2005

'Tis the Season 

Holy crap. How did I forget to read these two last anthro chapters? How is it Tuesday already? Why is Tuesday so close to Thursday???

Ok. Deep breaths.

So clearly I underestimated how much studying I'm gonna have to do. I really hope anthro is on the bell curve. It's a good thing that one's Thursday afternoon, so I can study for it after classics in the morning. And then Thursday night I'll start studying for Italian, and be all ready for that Friday afternoon.

One down, four to go. Should really have studyed yesterday instead of gone shopping and fallen asleep across my textbook. But we all need a break now and then, don't we? Speaking of breaks, I think this one's over.

martedì, dicembre 06, 2005

It's Cloudy, And So is My Head 

Yesterday I babysat the little devil children and they were relatively well-behaved. I still say kids today have no discipline. It's a disgrace. But anyway. The night ended with no one (myself included) in tears! Bonus.

Haven't graded yet, that's next weekend. Last Saturday one of the newbies took a crack at my head with a wooden bow. Very effective lesson in weapons training: fear the newbies.

Been slacking off lately. Nice but not a good idea. The finals, they are a-coming. And Christmas. Why does no one want anything that's easy to find? And who the hell thought it was a good idea to have finals 6 days before Christmas? Fucking saddists, that's who.

In conclusion, Alberta can kiss my ass. I hate winter and it hates me.

The rest of y'all are alright tho.

Damn, is this all I have to say? My opinions are useless.

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