
Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?

domenica, novembre 27, 2005

Why Am I Bothering With This Again? 

Umm...let's see...might be grading for my yellow belt in the near future (ahh scariness! Involves sparring, my archenemy). Monday is the 6-month-er. Adam took me to the sushi place we went to for our first date. Was fun. Spent the rest of the evening correcting his grammar. Gears totally need us artsies.

New room looks awesome. Am half moved in. Can't wait.

John's in the hospital again. He's ok but insanely bored. He beat me at rummy. Scoundrel.

Am half giving up on blogging. This one's from a bygone era.

sabato, novembre 19, 2005

I Think I May Have Accidentally Ingested Paint 

You know, for this being the first weekend after all my midterms are done, it's been kind of a letdown. Of course, last night was the highlight, as I went to go see the new Harry Potter movie on opening night like the huge nerd that I am. Definite good times, obviously. But today was spent mostly waiting around for my dad to be ready to paint my room, prepping the room, and then finally getting around to getting some painting done. Which in itself wasn't bad, because it was kind of like father-daughter bonding time. Oh, teamwork!

But then I decided to go to karate later on, which really was poor judgement on my part because I was friggin exhausted. Staying up til 5 the night before prolly didn't help, but whatever. Basically karate class consisted of me getting my ass kicked because I was too tired to defend myself properly. Gettin kicked in the ribs kind of put a damper on my mood.

So now I'm spending Saturday night at home, doing absolutely nothing productive. I guess I need the rest, but I hope next weekend turns out a little more interesting than this one. *HINT HINT*

I know you're totally not going to figure that one out. It's ok. I still love you anyway.

venerdì, novembre 11, 2005

Oh, Right! Forgot About This 

I'm desperately in love with long weekends. Going out every night agrees with me. Well, sort of. It makes me really tired when I keep crawling home at like 4. But this is what youth is for anyway.

Last night was the first girls' night our I've had in about nine billion years. Unless you count last Saturday, which was supposed to consist of Mom and me going to see a movie but ended up with us staying at home eating pizza. Which obviously doesn't count. So anyway. Me and a bunch of chicks from Sal went over to Moxie's for dinner and had some good old-fashioned trying-to-make-Poorna-hit-on-the-waiter fun. I wore a skirt because I'm a moron of epic proportions but I didn't get all frostbitey so that's a bonus, right? Then we saw Prime at the cinema (oh I am a huge nerd) here in the park. Hurrah for chick flicks! Oh much fun was had.

So when I got home at around 10 my dad told me to call the guys because they were having another poker night. So I effectively had girls' night out and guys' night in in the same night. Oh I am so cool it hurts. Hahah bt not really.

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