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Let's all reach into my brain and stir things up, shall we?
martedì, agosto 30, 2005
Menace to Society
Been fairly busy lately. Worked Friday to Sunday, 9-6 and that was waaaay more than I'm used to. I think it works out to more than I've worked all the rest of August. I totally forgot what nine hour shifts are like. But Saturday was actually kinda fun, cuz I got to work with Landon and we were totally slacking off all day while the garden centre outside was completely overrun with maniacs buying trees for 30% off. It's a good thing Anna's on vacation or we wouldn't have been able to sit on the counter and eat ice cream. How dastardly of us! I love it.
Last Thursday Adam surprised me for our third month anniversary with a tripto my favourite restaurant. And yesterday he presented me with a box of Fererro Rocher. Ferrero Rocher, I tell you! Is he awesome or what? This Saturday we're going to his cousin's wedding and then it's off to the cabin again for fun, fun times. Expect more joyous rantings in the near future.
Yesterday in karate I guess I was concentrating a little to hard on what I was doing and not hard enough on where the wall was cuz I kinda punched the corner of it. As hard as I could. So that hurt but now it's just kinda funny. Self-defence? I call it self-abuse. I am a menace.
Also yesterday I got a letter from the U of A saying I've been nominated for the Jason Lang scholarship. I can't remember if I applied for that one or not but I'm not complaining. Then my grandparents sent me a check to help pay for books this fall. Then I got a phone call saying an insurance company is going to pay me 2000$ as compensation for last September. I'm donating it to UNICEF. Why should I profit from that?
So anyway that's what's new in my life. I'm off work til Friday (9-6 again) and then I'm FREEEEE! The rest of this week i will be getting a hair cut, doing my nails, and possibly shopping. You just can't beat that, can you?
Last Thursday Adam surprised me for our third month anniversary with a tripto my favourite restaurant. And yesterday he presented me with a box of Fererro Rocher. Ferrero Rocher, I tell you! Is he awesome or what? This Saturday we're going to his cousin's wedding and then it's off to the cabin again for fun, fun times. Expect more joyous rantings in the near future.
Yesterday in karate I guess I was concentrating a little to hard on what I was doing and not hard enough on where the wall was cuz I kinda punched the corner of it. As hard as I could. So that hurt but now it's just kinda funny. Self-defence? I call it self-abuse. I am a menace.
Also yesterday I got a letter from the U of A saying I've been nominated for the Jason Lang scholarship. I can't remember if I applied for that one or not but I'm not complaining. Then my grandparents sent me a check to help pay for books this fall. Then I got a phone call saying an insurance company is going to pay me 2000$ as compensation for last September. I'm donating it to UNICEF. Why should I profit from that?
So anyway that's what's new in my life. I'm off work til Friday (9-6 again) and then I'm FREEEEE! The rest of this week i will be getting a hair cut, doing my nails, and possibly shopping. You just can't beat that, can you?
domenica, agosto 21, 2005
The Redheaded Parade
The Weekend of Joyous Madness hath concluded! Colleen and her Mams made their appearance Friday night around 9 and by 9:30 we were at BP's to meet up with her friends from Facey. They are some funny folk, I tell ya. No wonder Colleen's crazy. Anyway, then Colleen and I went back to my place and watched A Little Princess for old times sake. Colleen got waaaaay too tired and dilirious and incomprehensible, which I personally happen to think is when she's at her most humourous.
So Saturday we went to Curves together, just for kicks (ha!) and then we were off Fringing with Heather and Jessica. We wandered around for a while, saw a play entitled "The Breast Show," (no, don't ask, I'm not explaining it AGAIN)got henna tatoos, ate supper at Julio's Barrio (with ALCOHOL, gasp!)and went to the Armoury for a couple hours. We danced it up real good like. I counted about 3 propositions from creepy types. Go me!
Unfortunatement, Colleen had to leave already this morning so the fun was cut short. But it was uber great while it lasted. Too bad I won't be seeing her till like Thanksgiving at the soonest. But now I have like a bajillion pictures to scrapbook in the meantime to keep me busy. Let the good times roll!
PS The pictures below are kind of in backwards order, so it helps if you look at the bottom ones first. Unless of course you're a backwards kind of person.
So Saturday we went to Curves together, just for kicks (ha!) and then we were off Fringing with Heather and Jessica. We wandered around for a while, saw a play entitled "The Breast Show," (no, don't ask, I'm not explaining it AGAIN)got henna tatoos, ate supper at Julio's Barrio (with ALCOHOL, gasp!)and went to the Armoury for a couple hours. We danced it up real good like. I counted about 3 propositions from creepy types. Go me!
Unfortunatement, Colleen had to leave already this morning so the fun was cut short. But it was uber great while it lasted. Too bad I won't be seeing her till like Thanksgiving at the soonest. But now I have like a bajillion pictures to scrapbook in the meantime to keep me busy. Let the good times roll!
PS The pictures below are kind of in backwards order, so it helps if you look at the bottom ones first. Unless of course you're a backwards kind of person.

Yes, there actually is an explanation for this one. We had to wear Saran wrap to bed over our henna so the dye wouldn't come off on the sheets. So Colleen is being the model and we are in the most uncomfortable positions imaginable for picture taking.

It's true, I drank alcohol that fateful night. Colleen made me. Well, not really, but she talked me into it. We had supper at Julio's Barrio and ate spicy things and such. Good times, yo. Oh, this is at the Fringe, btw.

Me (left) and Colleen Small Foot show off the hotness of our ankles. Literally, as at this point in time we were under a heat lamp so the ink would dry faster. My leg turned all pink and funny like usual. But check out our cool tatoo-ie-ness! Sexy.

Pretty, pretty Jessica gets henna done on her wrist. It turned out really cool. Just look how happy she is to be a part of the magic! Yes, I said magic, and I meant magic. It's MAGICAL, I tell you! I'm going to shut up now.

Ok, this dealie is from this past weekend. We're at BP's and Colleen is showing us how you can have lemonade without ordering lemonade. And the face is just for added Colleen-brand insanity.

Yay! Childhood delights abound as the wee little children (including Dad, the little boy trapped in a man's body) head to the store for ice creamy fun times! I think this was our last day there.

Hahahaha, this one makes me laugh. I think Colleen took it but I have no memory of it. Scruffy, ain't I?

More hammocking it up. I think we were looking into the sun this one, cuz we're a bit on the squinty side. And my hat looks to be eating my head.

I like this one. It embodies the relaxation of our trip, which was pretty much what we did. Like, the whole time. It was grand. Also Colleen's dad has a cool hammock.

Wow. Man. I throw like a girl. I suppose that may have something to do with the fact that I, you know, am one. At least Colleener here managed to catch my horrid throw. Kudos to her.

Ok, I really don't know what's going on with Colleen's hair in this one but I think it's FABULOUS, dahling. Look at her go!

Awww, look at the happy sunbathers. We spent, like, an entire day at this beach. It was the ultimate.

Colleen was the wise one here, donning a towel. I think perhaps I would be better suited to a little modesty. And maybe not look like I'm sneezing when people photograph me.

Apparently, Colleen was a miner in her previous life. My dad watches on gleefully as Colleener willingly makes it easy to make fun of her. We love you, Colleener.

Here we are, playing Rumoli as our camping tradition dictates. looks like Mom's winning. But I think Colleen cleaned up in the end.
giovedì, agosto 18, 2005
And Now We Dance the Happy Dance
Ok, so the whole leg waxing thing sorta fell through. I got there and the lady said my hair was too short, so she tried it but it kinda failed. So at least now I know what it's like. But there is no way I'm letting my hair get any longer than it was. Sick.
Yum, wasn't that a lovely account? No, no it was not. Moving right along....
2 of my profs have a hotness rating! Bonus! And they all sound awesomely cool. Praise be to
Switchfoot is coming out with a new CD on September 13!!! And now we dance the happy dance.
My kicks in karate are improving. Now I can do them without falling over!
Colleener is coming this weekend!!!! This'll prolly be the last time I see her for a very very long time. Or a couple of months, at least. We've made a pact to write to each other every month this year. Like, real old-timey letters and everything. And she has her own apartment with a roomie this year, which I'm dying to see pictures of. Oh, the fun of moving out.
Adam's invited me to go chillax at his cabin the last weekend before school starts. And my parents are prolly going camping then too. But that's the weekend of the 3rd, and I'm not entirely sure I'll be up for that. But it would be really good to kick off the end of the summer and the start of the school year with a bang, non? I'd better brush up on my French.
Yum, wasn't that a lovely account? No, no it was not. Moving right along....
2 of my profs have a hotness rating! Bonus! And they all sound awesomely cool. Praise be to
Switchfoot is coming out with a new CD on September 13!!! And now we dance the happy dance.
My kicks in karate are improving. Now I can do them without falling over!
Colleener is coming this weekend!!!! This'll prolly be the last time I see her for a very very long time. Or a couple of months, at least. We've made a pact to write to each other every month this year. Like, real old-timey letters and everything. And she has her own apartment with a roomie this year, which I'm dying to see pictures of. Oh, the fun of moving out.
Adam's invited me to go chillax at his cabin the last weekend before school starts. And my parents are prolly going camping then too. But that's the weekend of the 3rd, and I'm not entirely sure I'll be up for that. But it would be really good to kick off the end of the summer and the start of the school year with a bang, non? I'd better brush up on my French.
martedì, agosto 16, 2005
Shopping and Other Misadventures
Well! Been keeping fairly busy lately, considering it's summer and I'm working two days a week. Sunday I went to church (for the first time in like two months, I'm so bad) and went shopping at Southgate. Don't worry, tho, I showed restraint and only bought a pair of shoes, which I needed, and a sweater, which is green and thus awesomely awesome.
Monday work was the definition of sloooooow so I pet the cat and dusted the giftware area. After work Adam and I rented Shaun of the Dead and played street badminton (yeah kickin' it old school!!!). Then we had karate, and I would just like to say that man ALIVE that boy can kick hard. Oh, and somehow I ended up with blood on me. I think it's someone else's. So then we went to go see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which was tres, tres amusant. Tho Johnny Depp still looks like a woman, and that's my final word on the matter.
Adam should be a French filmmaker. He makes some pretty high-class stuff.
Today I went to Curves with Mam, and then we spent half the afternoon roaming around the countryside looking for a greenhouse that turned out to be closed. And run-down-looking. I was a little cranky so shopping at Old Navy was in order. Hurrah, new sweater and cords and belt for me!!!
This evening Mam and I went to see Must Love Dogs, which was cute and girlie. Tomorrow is the Day of Impending Pain, ie. leg waxing day. It shall be an experiment in how much I'm willing to tolerate for a pair of smooth, smooth legs. Stand by for a progress report. I'm sure you're all DYING to hear it. Not. Hahahahaha.
Monday work was the definition of sloooooow so I pet the cat and dusted the giftware area. After work Adam and I rented Shaun of the Dead and played street badminton (yeah kickin' it old school!!!). Then we had karate, and I would just like to say that man ALIVE that boy can kick hard. Oh, and somehow I ended up with blood on me. I think it's someone else's. So then we went to go see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which was tres, tres amusant. Tho Johnny Depp still looks like a woman, and that's my final word on the matter.
Adam should be a French filmmaker. He makes some pretty high-class stuff.
Today I went to Curves with Mam, and then we spent half the afternoon roaming around the countryside looking for a greenhouse that turned out to be closed. And run-down-looking. I was a little cranky so shopping at Old Navy was in order. Hurrah, new sweater and cords and belt for me!!!
This evening Mam and I went to see Must Love Dogs, which was cute and girlie. Tomorrow is the Day of Impending Pain, ie. leg waxing day. It shall be an experiment in how much I'm willing to tolerate for a pair of smooth, smooth legs. Stand by for a progress report. I'm sure you're all DYING to hear it. Not. Hahahahaha.
sabato, agosto 13, 2005
Ready For a Change
It's been one week since you looked at me....Not really, but it's been one week since I've posted, and that's a song lyric by the Barenaked Ladies. As a little shout out to Tas and The Laura.
Life = uninteresting right now. Nothing to say really. Had coffee with Ian today and we talked for like 3 hours, so that was fun. I miss having friends close by that I can talk to. Come home, Colleener and Bev. You don't belong in Calgary and Okotoks.
Last night I went bowling and played pool and watched Anchorman, which was good for a laugh. A couple days ago I scrapbooked a new page. I went to karate with Adam and messed up my ankle, but it's better now. I think I made a Greek salad.
Summary posts suck.
I feel cold and lonely.
I'm going away now.
Life = uninteresting right now. Nothing to say really. Had coffee with Ian today and we talked for like 3 hours, so that was fun. I miss having friends close by that I can talk to. Come home, Colleener and Bev. You don't belong in Calgary and Okotoks.
Last night I went bowling and played pool and watched Anchorman, which was good for a laugh. A couple days ago I scrapbooked a new page. I went to karate with Adam and messed up my ankle, but it's better now. I think I made a Greek salad.
Summary posts suck.
I feel cold and lonely.
I'm going away now.
sabato, agosto 06, 2005

Mom was really kinda pissed at me, cuz she didn't want me to take a pic of her. But has that ever stopped me? No, it has not.

Scandalous! Ok, not really. I am actually wearing a bathing suit under that. It was meant to look like a cape, cuz it was really windy and the sarong was billowing in the wind. But that kinda failed. So just use your imagination, ok?

Ok, the reason she looks so bizarre in this picture (and I mean that in the best way possible, Colleems) is that she's holding my sunglasses on her nose, which happen to be the kind of sunglasses that clip on to regular glasses. Which she is not wearing. So she's not ACTUALLY grimacing in pain or anything.

Gasp! Yes, it's true. I am actually drinking alcohol. Tho this was mostly due to the fact that there was nothing else to drink. OS don't go calling me bad names now, y'hear. Colleen and I know how to party it up.

Arrrr! Mam is eating ice cream, and she and Buster cocked their heads towards the camera at the same time. But the REALLY funny part is the pirate flag in the background, and the fact that Mom is only wearing one earring in this picture. Avast!

This is in Cold Lake. It wasn't really warm enough to go in deeper, and we weren't dressed for it. If you look closely you can see the path we rode our bikes down, which was like a 90 degree angle. Or so it felt.

Hahahaha. Ok, there is a reason for this. He was driving me home and the sun was in his eyes, so I lent him my purple hippie sunglasses with flowers on the sides. Very manly. And hilarious.

Awwwww. I'd like this picture better if my hair wasn't so, you know, my hair. But unfortunately that is what I look like after 3 days of no shower and no makeup. Mysteriously, Adam isn't scared away.

This one's a little better cuz we're all looking at the camera and smiling. Except Tippy, the dog. Haha.

Here we all are on the last day of cabining. From left to right, we are Adam, Lori (duh), Adam's mom Carmen, Adam's dad Dwayne, Kevin (the he's-not-my-boyfriend-friend), Eric the wee French cousin, Adam's sister Aimee, Velvet the dalmation, Sophie the other French cousin, and uncle Pierre.

Yeah, this is me. Look! I'm waterskiing! And I have proof! Not very flattering proof, but proof nonetheless. I do NOT look good in a wetsuit.

Mmmmm. Not bad, is he? No, not bad, not bad at all. I hope Adam doesn't mind that I'm posting semi-naked pictures of him on the internet. Anyway. He's wearing a bathing suit. So. Is it hot in here, or is it just him?

As I was sitting on the dock photographing Adam's windsurfing exploits, I noticed this mama bird feeding her young in the nest under the boathouse. So obviously that deserved a picture too. Birdies!

Again, he surfeth. Good form, I say!! What am I talking about? I don't know anything about windsurfing. But I still say good form anyway.

Ok, so this is Adam windsurfing. Which is A LOT harder than it seems from this picture. I couldn't even lift up the sail without falling over.

Dang. I did not expect this to turn out this good. This is the view of the gorgeous sunset on Canada Day. On your right is the dock and the boat, but I guess y'all could prolly figure that out on your ownsies.

Uncle Pierre again, dominating the waterways. Check out how far he's leaning and tell me that's not insane.

Adam's uncle, Pierre, is King of the Waterskis. He could slalom back and forth for ages without falling over. And he only had the one ski. Eeeegs.
venerdì, agosto 05, 2005
Oh, My Goss
Wow you guys. I was gone for 6 days and nobody even noticed? How faithful you all are. Not. I was gonna do a last-minute post before I left, but now I see how unnecessary that would have been. It's a good thing I do this blog because I like to blog, and not because I expect anyone to actually give a care. Because we all know how useless that would be.
Anyway, long story short I'm too cranky to do a full-on post now, so expect a decent-sized one in the near future when I get my pics back from the photo lab. And when I'm not covered in 3 days worth of lake water and sunburn.
Anyway, long story short I'm too cranky to do a full-on post now, so expect a decent-sized one in the near future when I get my pics back from the photo lab. And when I'm not covered in 3 days worth of lake water and sunburn.